I'm Here, Are You Still With Me?

Hello hello my lovely tribe, how are you guys? Are you asking yourself, where did January go, the way I am? And maybe a little curious about why I’m not pushing out content like I used to? I want to be super transparent with you guys and also say, I’m sorry and thank you. I’m SORRY If you feel like I’ve left you hanging in any way and THANK YOU for being here and sticking with me through the lulls.

Inspirational Addict, Sonoma Mama, Andrea Bogart Yoga, Inspiring Blogger, Health & Wellness, Everyday Joys, Mindfulness, Yoga Instructor, Actress, Happy Wife, Mindfulness, Erik Almas Photography

We all wish we had more time right? More time to do the things that fill your heart and fuel your soul. Feel familiar at all? The thing about time is that since we can’t actually create more hours, minutes or seconds in the day, we can only make choices with how we spend the time we are given. We are responsible for creating space for those things that we want to do, while balancing the time spent with things we have to do. It’s an ever-evolving practice I find, how about you?

I’m in my first year of marriage and being a parent and that alone has been such a joyful and impactful shift in my life, it’s taken some letting go of an old life, or self, per say. I love my new roles as a wife and mother and I’m learning everyday from experiences. I’m certainly striving to be the best I can be but also relieving myself from the need to have anything BE or APPEAR perfect. If you follow me at all on social media (please do) @andreabogart, you see what a traveling family we are. We hopped on more flights, road trips and extensive adventures in 2018 than I could have possibly prepared for. I have always loved to travel and I have taken several of the opportunities to be together as a family while my husband is working as a photographer in various parts of the world. That being said, we don’t travel with a nanny so I’m spending the days being a joyful tourist while trying to still produce some healthy routines for our little one. It’s been so important for me to be present with her so the time I get to myself is unpredictable and sometimes minimal. I catch myself often wanting time to just create, and yet I have to remind myself the very essence of having a child, IS creating, building a partnership that works, IS creating and those have been my priorities. The stuff that happens outside of that has been icing on the cake!

Inspirational Addict, Sonoma Mama, Andrea Bogart Yoga, Inspiring Blogger, Health & Wellness, Everyday Joys, Mindfulness, Yoga Instructor, Actress, Happy Wife, Erik Almas Photography

We got home mid January and it has felt so wonderful to be here in Sonoma, settling back in. I have done a lot of thinking about giving this blog an overhaul. My mission has been to inspire through experiences, stories and offer helpful tips that we could use as we journey through life. I want to stay authentic to what I’m most passionate about and consolidate a bit and write about those things. I’m in the process of changing things up and excited about where it’s all headed. Mindfulness seems to be my most key element I enjoy learning more about and writing about. Under that umbrella is; being a parent, a certified yoga instructor and practitioner, healthy nutrition, adventurous travels and some fun about being an actress, which are all dear to my heart. One area of writing I haven’t shared much about is my dream of being a children’s book publisher. I have years of some finished but mostly unfinished stories, idea lists and scratch pads with stuff I want to revisit and I’m motivated about generating new material.  I’m putting more focus into that this year as well. 

Inspirational Addict, Sonoma Mama, Andrea Bogart Yoga, Inspiring Blogger, Health & Wellness, Everyday Joys, Mindfulness, Yoga Instructor, Actress, Happy Wife, Erik Almas Photography

Whether you’ve been hanging with me since 2015 or you’re newer to my world, I hope something in my wheel house of writing is an offering for you to keep coming back for more. I truly love sharing about these topics and if you have a favorite or feel I’m missing something you’d like to have more of please let me know. The community we have with being able to comment and connect is a valuable and important part of writing for me, so don’t be shy! Thank you guys for sharing your time with me. I wish you all so much love, joy and prosperity as we rock through February.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped in Dogma— which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the voice of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
— Manifesting Your Mission; Steve Jobs

XOXO Andrea