Happy Holidays–a new decade awaits

Hello and Happy Holidays to all of you! Can you believe we are in our last days of 2019? The start of another decade, what a great time to reflect. I am ready, are you?

2020 is just around the corner. Wow, it just sounds good saying 2020 doesn’t it? What a fun adventurous year it’s been for our family. Isn’t it wonderful to think about how many stories and experiences you have in one year, let alone another decade? Of course there’s been moments of new challenges and unexpected turns too, as I’m sure we all can relate to. Practicing gratitude daily certainly helps me when I’m met with those challenging times. I can trust the timing of circumstances to be a guiding light more graciously. Like Oprah Winfrey says, “Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough”.

Three Ways To Implement Gratitude Into Your Daily Life

  • Share 1-3 gratitudes daily at breakfast or dinner time with your family. Don’t be afraid to include your youngest members. It’s the sweetest to hear your newest talkers just forming words and phrases say what they’re grateful for.

  • Keep a gratitude journal next to your bed or in your phone. If we have time to scroll social media, we have time to plug in some mindful gratitudes into our notes or an app.

  • Think of one thing you do everyday and practice having your grateful thoughts while you do it. If you feel like you don’t have time, this one’s especially for you. A few examples could be; showering, brushing teeth, bathroom, folding laundry, packing lunches… you get the idea.

I’m always excited to sit down and reflect on the year I’ve had and assess what I hope the next year to look like. Do any of you do this? I started this years ago with the help of some wonderful resources. I was first turned onto “My Best Year Yet” by Jinny S. Ditzler and since 2015 as a member of The New Hollywood, I’ve been using a guide book that our founder, Brianna Brown Keen and partner, Beth Navarro created for us newly titled “Manifesting Your Mission”. The book provides thought provoking questions, goal-setting techniques and helps you stay focused on your purpose and passions. As you commit to utilizing the book, a glorious amount of clarity unfolds. I absolutely love carving out the time to do this and find it even more beneficial since I’ve become a wife and mother. After stepping out of Hollywood but hoping to continue to work, moving my flourishing yoga business to a new town and re-build and diving deeper into writing children’s literature, I knew I would need tools to support my efforts. Being able to stay creative, driven, excited and motivated about things and also look at any habits, obstacles or patterns that aren’t serving me well are important for me look at as I navigate toward the hopes and ideas I have each year. If you have any interest in joining me and my husband who’s also on board with using “Manifesting Your Mission”, you can! It’s such a treat they are available to the public and 10% of all proceeds will go back to TNH to support our initiatives.

Regardless if you do any of this or not, I am wishing you all a Holiday Season filled with love and peace. As you reflect on this past year and past decade I hope we ALL feel an abundance of gratitude for each day we get to wake up and breath again. Life is short, hold your people tight, say I love you and cherish all the present moments. May blessings of good health and happiness be unbounded in all your lives.

Inspirational Addict, Sonoma Mama, Andrea Bogart Yoga, Inspiring Blogger, Health & Wellness, Everyday Joys, Mindfulness, Yoga Instructor, Actress, Happy Wife, Wine Country Wellness, Erik Almas Photography

xoxo Andrea