Learning Value In Rising Strong

As a member of The New Hollywood I'm blessed to be introduced to many wonderful things that may not otherwise cross my path. This year our gift book, group read is Rising Strong. Although I love the act of curling up with a hard copy book when I can, I've also been listening to it on Audible  and equally enjoying it. This book is resonating with me on so many levels. I'm feeling the need to share and shout out through my cheerleading mega phone... THIS IS YOUR SUMMER READ! 


I was first introduced to Brené Brown via a her TED talk "The Power Of Vulnerability" which circulated all over social media and 25,538,752 people have viewed.  The more I listen, read and take-in what Brené is sharing, I am having an experience that triggers the undeniable enthusiasm to live at my greatest potential. As a yoga instructor, I honor the responsibility of wanting to learn, love and share in a way that just may inspire you in the way others are inspiring me.  Leaders like Brené, dedicating themselves to research that speaks to the masses invites you into a place where you truly understand you are not alone in this game of life. 

Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage
— Brené Brown

How many times have you exhausted yourself with acting out your feelings in a way that you later regret? You say something you can't take back, you raise your voice, you cause a scene, you hurt someone's feelings, your thoughts are literally draining you as negativity overpowers the positive.  Seeing, believing and accepting the good gets blurred by old stories, bad habits and self doubt. If you're human you've experienced this at some point, haven't you? When do we decide enough is enough? How do we wake-up and prepare ourselves for the muck we're going to wade through to grow into a healthier place? Everyone's path is different, there is no question. From the wise words of another favorite human of mine, Pema Chodron, says Start Where You Are. 

There are too many people today who instead of feeling hurt are acting out their hurt; instead of acknowledging pain, they’re inflicting pain on others. Rather than risking feeling disappointed, they’re choosing to live disappointed. Emotional stoicism is not badassery. Blustery posturing is not badassery. Swagger is not badassery. Perfection is about the furthest thing in the world from badassery
— Brené Brown, Rising Strong

When we're ready, we begin choosing to do things that create mindful awareness and shift the grappling with our choices into more of a soft snuggle. We are not handed a perfect life but we can create a life that feels perfect for us and find contentment with what we have. Shall we dive into the process of being kind, loving and experience our greatest good by peeling back our layers and trusting we have the courage to rise strong from every experience we endure? Let's do this.

I absolutely believe in the power we have with-in to change and give ourselves permission to start where we are. I hope you take me up on this summer read or at the very least join the millions and check out Brenés' TED talk. If it speaks to you in some way or you have anything you'd like to share.... I love hearing from you. Thank you for popping by! 

Take a slow cruise around www.BrenéBrown.com for several more resources and encouragement.